Michele Curtis worked with members of Women Together to co-design a mural that represented the values of the group. Taking inspiration from community, strong women, sharing support and togetherness.
Located on high pavement, it was important that the mural sent a message of solidarity to the women of Basildon.

Women Together is a group in Basildon that aims to integrate vulnerable women from different backgrounds into the community, by providing advice, support, art activities and speakers on health topics. They hold numerous forum events throughout the year to bring everyone together with the sharing of food being an integral part of these events

the artist
Born and raised in Bristol, Michele Curtis is an artist of Caribbean descent who wants to fill the gap of multicultural representation within British society by creating projects that provide resources for cultural socialisation. She founded ‘Iconic Black Britons’ which works diligently to connect divided communities through arts and culture by celebrating the influence of the African Caribbean diaspora on Britain’s cultural identity. They also promote integration and inclusion to improve community relations across the UK.